Passion fruit


Buy Passion fruits online at FarmBox Nigeria. Passion fruit is an exotic fruit which has a purple hard exterior, which is filled with edible yellow to green jelly with black seeds. Its pulp is a tropical sweet tart flavour with nuances of mango, citrus and pineapple. It can be eaten on its own or makes a delicious addition to salads, yogurt, desserts and sauces. It’s a good source of dietary fibre, a good source of vitamin C and contains some vitamin B3

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Passion fruit is a beneficial fruit with a healthful nutrition profile. It contains high levels of vitamin A, which is important for skin, vision, and the immune system, and vitamin C, which is an important antioxidant. Passion fruit pulp contains a lot of dietary fiber. Fiber is a crucial component of every diet. It helps regulate the digestive system and keep the gut healthy, preventing constipation and bowel disorders. Passion fruit has a low glycemic index (GI) value. This means that it does not cause a steep increase in blood sugar after eating it, making it a good option for people with diabetes.

Additional information

Weight 500 kg
